Abundant Resources, Absent Data
How open are Australian mining, gas and oil companies operating in Africa?
Abundant Resources, Absent Data looks at the openness of Australian listed mining, gas and oil companies operating in Africa.
In 2017, PWYP Australia identified 717 ASX listed companies active in fossil fuel and mineral exploration or production in 106 countries globally.
Put simply, Australian listed mining, oil and gas companies are operating in over 50% of the world.
Aside from Australia, the highest presence of companies is in Africa.
A copy of the data which accompanies the report can accessed here

This report shines a light on the lack of public data on Australian mining, oil and gas project at home and overseas. Australia must introduce laws requiring companies to publicly disclose their payments to governments where they operate. This will lead to less corruption, tax cheating and more revenue for poor countries to invest in hospitals, schools, roads and responding to extreme weather events.

34 Countries.
139 Companies.
312 Projects.
In 2017 Australian extractive companies were exploring or producing in over 60% of Africa. Information about the revenues and benefits to communities is very difficult to access and understand.
MAP: African countries where Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listed companies are operating.
Data: sourced between 9 April - 12 May 2017.

Top 10 countries ASX listed companies by number of projects:
44 projects and 19 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Mpumlalanga Province.
36 projects and 23 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Lindi Region.
26 projects and 11 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Western Region.
19 projects and 13 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Central Region.
19 projects and 15 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Erongo Region.
18 projects and 8 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Savannes Region.
18 projects and 8 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Est Regions.
14 projects and 15 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects in the Sikasso Region.
14 projects and 7 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects are offshore.
10 projects and 7 ASX listed companies present.
Highest concentration of projects are in the Katanga Province.