Submission Mia Pepper Submission Mia Pepper

Public Country By Country Reporting

The Government has introduced draft legislation requiring public Country by Country reporting. This describes requirements for companies to disclose information on the revenues, profits and taxes disaggregated on a country by country basis as well as the operations and activities of the global company. This is a good development but unfortunately the legislation only includes reporting in tax havens - not the 103+ countries where Australian extractives companies operate where we desperately need better financial transparency.

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Submission Mia Pepper Submission Mia Pepper

Submission: Access to Australian Parliament House by lobbyists 

Publish What You Pay, Mineral Policy Institute and Jubilee Australia made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters on an inquiry into issues with lobbying. The submission focuses on the revolving door of Australian politicians and bureaucrats into the mining oil and gas sector and includes an important case study on the impact of lobbying on project assessments and outcomes.

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Submission Mia Pepper Submission Mia Pepper

Submission: Battery and Critical Minerals Strategy WA

Our submission to the open consultation on the WA Battery and Critical Minerals Strategy is focused on community and environmental considerations as an essential part of any future strategy. It calls for a greater balance in private and public interest and highlights concern over the strategies focus on improving investment opportunities and not ESG standards.

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Submission Mia Pepper Submission Mia Pepper

Submission: Australian National Contact Point processes

The Australian National Contact Point respond to complaints against multinational companies who are alleged to have not met their obligations under the OECD guidelines. In 2023 there was a review of the effectiveness and issues with their grievance mechanism and its processes. PWYP made a submission, following the outcome of the AusNCP complaint we lodged in 2021.

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Submission Mia Pepper Submission Mia Pepper

Submission: Roadmap to establish an Australian decommissioning industry for offshore oil and gas 

Our submission focuses on transparency and accountability and on closure policies for offshore oil and gas. Our submission goes into details on the liabilities, risks of premature closure, defaulting, selling assets and avoiding responsibilities and includes recommendations to make existing policy more robust to protect against any closure liabilities falling to government. These details speak to questions on the regulatory framework of decommissioning.

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